Board Members
2024 Board:
Jon Edmondo, President, (year 3)

Jon grew up in Marin County, California and spent his early days hiking and biking the roads and trails of the rolling California hills. Jon always had an interest in art and eventually graduated from college with a degree in graphic design, from University of the Pacific. Jon not only studied Graphic Design, he also studied painting under the tutelage of Master Pastelist and painter Gil Dellinger. Jon now lives close to the Sierra Nevada, where he spends much of his time enjoying the outdoors with his wife and two daughters.
The creative process has always intrigued Jon and he constantly strives to create strong compositions with bold color and interesting subject matter. Jon states “I yearn to create images of places or things that create an emotional connection for the viewer – evoking special memories of places visited or past experiences”. Jon has been influenced by the French Impressionists and early California artists like William Wendt, Edgar Payne, Thomas Hill and Albert Bierstadt. He’s is also influenced by many contemporary artists such as Matt Smith, Scott Christiansen, Jean LeGassick, Clyde Aspevig and others. Jon enjoys viewing and studying other artist’s work, in order to learn more about what makes a great painting!
Before Jon leaves this land of ours, he hopes to deliver work that is bold, fresh and reflects his love of visual design and nature!
Marilyn Newton, Vice-President

Eileen Fuller, Gallery Manager

Eileen is happily serving as gallery manager after turning over the president’s duties to Jon Edmondo!
(She has been serving double duty since Cheryl retired.) Now her duties are to oversee the daily operation, the consignment artists, and the heritage art consignments. Fortunately, the cooperative is a team that participates in helping her with things like scheduling, show changes, planning for future shows, supply ordering, marketing, and maintenance. She has been a member since 2010 and served as president twice. She is very grateful for the cooperation of all of the active members.
Eileen Fuller 775-233-4796
Karen Sullivan, Secretary

I took over the secretarial duties in 2022 though I have been a member of the Artist Co-op since 2013. I come from a secretarial background, having served as an Administrative Assistant for ten years early in my business/corporate career. My job as the Co-op’s secretary is to record the significant points of the meeting. Fortunately, our President is good at providing an agenda of the items we need to cover. There is often elaborate conversation and discussion, so trying to keep the points concise and not too wordy becomes a challenge. It’s an excellent way for all of us to get together and brainstorm. A printed record of the minutes of our meetings is kept at the Gallery, so we have a history of what has transpired.
Terrye Kocher, Treasurer

Tricia Poulos-Leonard, 501(c)3 Rep., Past Pres. & Grants Writer

As President of the Nevada Artists’ Co-op Gallery Board of Directors, I supervise and control the activities of the corporation and the activities of the officers. I preside at all meetings of the Board of Directors. I perform all duties required by law, by the Articles of Incorporation and by the Bylaws.
As Grant Writer, I write grants for the 501c3 as they arise. So far, I have written (and received) grants from The Historic Reno Preservation Society, Nevada GOED Commercial Rental Assistance Program, Robert Hawkins Foundation, and National Arts Council Grant.
Tricia Poulos Leonard
Dana Nollsch, Marketing Advisor
I am excited to lend my experience in sales and marketing to the Artist Co-op. My goal is to help this well-established organization move forward and expand in the future.
From website development to social media, marketing, and traditional marketing, we will increase our visibility And customer base.

Director at large/Maintenance, Open
Ann Weiss, Director at large

Life Members: Ralph and Cheryln Bennett
These members “retired” from active participation in 2023 after both serving over 25 years on the board and in serving in various capacities.
Ralph served many years as the co-op treasurer before we added the point-of-sale system. That meant taking daily receipts home and manually entering them in order to keep track of sales and to pay the bills and the artists monthly. It was a very labor-intensive task! Ralph will continue to participate with his pen and ink drawings of Western subjects, including mines, ghost towns, ranchers, and railroads!
Cheryln is mainly a watercolor artist but enjoys rustic assemblage art and gourds to carve and decorate. She served many years as our gallery director, training the new members in gallery duties, selecting consignment artists, and the heritage art consignments.
Look for samples of Ralph and Cheryln’s work on the Life Members wall.