We regretfully announce the retirement of Ralph and Cheryln Bennett after 35 years of active membership in the Artists Co-op Gallery of Reno.
Ralph had a career in mining. He then used his draftsmanship skills to create pen and watercolor drawings of mining, railroads, all-things-western, and rock art creations. Until 2021, Ralph served as co-op treasurer. We had a hand-written sales system. Ralph manually entered all sales information at home to pay the artists and track the gallery’s income and expenses. Terrye Kocher agreed to fill Ralph’s shoes with the implementation of a point-of-sale system, thus alleviating much of the labor of the job. Ralph also has maintained our artist mailing list and created gallery signage for new and guest artists, among other duties.

Cheryln has served many years as the Gallery Director. She has performed such tasks as coordinating the consignment artists (the potters, jewelers, woodworkers, glass artists, soap makers, and more). She is also responsible for creating a group of “heritage art” sellers and collectors of local art. Those sales have significantly added to the co-op’s income over the years. She has been keeping the supplies that are needed for the daily operations and our hospitality for the monthly receptions. Cheryln has “trained” most of us on operations and the hanging of new shows and quarterly gallery rotations. Cheryln’s watercolors of Nevada scenery and subjects and her exquisite gourd-making have long been best sellers at the gallery. She is a charter member of the Sierra Watercolor Society, established in 1989.
The knowledge of these two and their sleeves-rolled-up-volunteering to do everything and anything as needed will be sorely missed. Thank goodness they are not moving out of town and will continue to advise us as “Lifetime Members” and still participate in group shows!
A NEW CHAPTER begins with the exciting addition of three new members at the co-op.
Jon Edmondo, an acrylic painter and October guest artist, is taking a permanent position Beginning in November. Jon is a member of the Latimer Art Club and has participated in several group shows. He is known for his series of “treescapes.”
Marylou Schindler, a photographer, specializing in capturing wild horses, has been participating in many group shows throughout recent years and will begin with a wall of her own in November.
Tamami Tokutake is a pastel painter who first exhibited at the 2021 (Latimer Art Club) Miniature Show. She won awards and sold all of her pieces. She was a guest artist earlier this year and is also winning and selling in the current 15th annual Miniature Show. Look for new information about these three to be posted on ACR social media shortly.
Be sure to stop in and say farewell to the Bennetts by October 30th and meet our new additions to the coop as we advance in November. You will likely see all at the November 13th first Holiday reception.
Captions for below: Ralph is standing by his award-winning petroglyph rendition of “Ancient Visitors.” Cheryln is laughing with her sister Marilyn in front of her wall of watercolors.
Eileen Fuller, ACR President 2021-2023